Canine CellMates...

“Utilizing shelter dogs to break the cycle of incarceration.”

Atlanta Journal / Constitution Inspired Series - Canine CellMates 

Canine CellMates takes shelter dogs and places them with inmate handlers at the Fulton County Jail who give them the love and obedience training they need to recover from abuse and neglect. The result: The dogs find new homes, and the men find new ways to contribute.

In this inspiring video series presented by Mercedes-Benz, we get to know the unsung heroes of the Atlanta community. Mercedes-Benz supports over 50 grassroots organizations, which are positively impacting local neighborhoods, and is proud to call Atlanta home. 

Physical Location:
981 Howell Mill Road, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA  30318
Mailing Address:
7742 Spalding Drive
Suite 393
Sandy Springs, GA  30092

a 501(c)3 GA charitable organization
Tax ID: 46-0765041

“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  

For, indeed, that's all who ever have.” - Margaret Mead

This year, the OG Paws for Cocktails returns to Park Tavern to raise much-needed funds for two Atlanta-based organizations serving both people and animals: Canine CellMates and Ahimsa House. Join us on Thursday, March 27 at 6 PM for a fantastic evening featuring: 

Emcee, Justin Farmer
Live music by School of Rock Atlanta & Trey Daniels 
Surprise celebrities
Silent and Live Auction
Book signing by best-selling author, Tenesa Mobley
And much more! 

Tickets: $50 in advance; $60 at the door. Click here to purchase tickets:

Include one drink ticket and light hors d’oeuvres.

Mercedes-Benz Honors

Canine CellMates

Canine CellMates has been in the spotlight lately, thanks to Mercedes-Benz, and their Greatness Lives Here initiative. “The dogs are the backbone of the program,” Jacobs-Meadows said. “But this program is not about the dogs. It is about the men.”

Click here to read the full story

Watch our latest Canine CellMates stories to see our work in action.

More Videos

Our Amazing Sponsors.  Please patronize these great businesses!

The purchase of a CCM calendar supports our efforts, and makes a great gift - for yourself or others!!

We are a 501(c)3 Charitable Org.  Second Leash on Life, Inc., DBA Canine CellMates # 46-0765041.

Stories of Canine CellMates' memorable moments, dogs & men  CLICK HERE